Tag Archives: Mac

Clean up my mac and free space for Xamarin Developers
Unfortunately I nowadays often run into the problem of missing free space on my macbook (from 2015, 256 GB) when I want to upgrade XCode or Mac OS. Typically I uninstall XCode first so I was able to install Big Sur today. Now I have to reinstall XCode, but even with 38 GB of free […]

Create Images for iOS and Android automatically
Automatically create images for iOS and Android in all supported sizes

Automatic creation of App Logos in different sizes
Both iOS and Android expect app logos in different sizes, starting from 29×29. Of course you could manually create all the icons, but it’s more convenient to do it with a script. Xamarin.Forms Kickstarter is an excellent starting point for lots of different examples, e.g. Layouting, Web Access, Geolocation and lots more. There is also […]