All posts by Kai Wilzer

My first steps using PHP with Microsoft Azure

I’m thinking about migrating to the cloud for years, e.g. after attending Microsofts Visual Studio Evolution 2012. As a .net developer I would of course prefer Microsoft Azure over Amazon Web Services (AWS), Heroku and lots of others. But Cloud has a big disadvantage for me: As I’m doing all this in my freetime, I […]

Tags with autocomplete in textbox

My last posting showed how to use jQueryUI autocomplete with some individual formatting and an image. Now I have a similar request: I want to build an input for tags (or tokens). It should also provide suggestions from a backend using autocomplete (so that’s similar to previous posting) but the returned list does not need […]

50000 Android Downloads!

Gestern war es soweit: Am 15. März 2015 wurde die Android-Version unserer Fussball-App zum 50.000 Mal heruntergeladen! Besonders freut uns das gleichbleibend starke Interesse an unsere App sowie die weiterhin ausgezeichneten Bewertungen: Im Durchschnitt 4,14 Sterne und jede Menge positiver Kommentare sind Ansporn für die nächsten Monate.