Mobile business strategy wanted? How to best implement an app for your company
As a result of increased market pressure and a special spirit of optimism, more and more companies are looking for mobile app strategies for their companies. Due to uncertainty or lack of information, however, many people are reluctant to do so. Mobile Strategy Coach Marco Seraphin explains what is important for a professional company app and how to implement it.
For german readers, his article is available on his Xing Coach Site also in german language: Mobile Unternehmensstrategie gesucht? Wie Sie eine App für Ihre Firma am besten umsetzen
The challenge
Similar to the times of the Web revolution, in which all companies pushed into the Internet with a single presence, the topic of mobile solutions in the form of apps is attracting increasing attention. Apps have long since evolved from a private consumer environment to an enterprise-wide IT strategy.
Both you in your company, as well as your suppliers and partners, are increasingly demanding a mobile commitment. Your mobile Internet site is no longer sufficient.
You are interested, but don’t want to order a concrete app development immediately, because many questions are still open? These could be: What solutions are there on the market? What is important when deciding on a technical solution? How do you integrate your existing backend systems and which providers are there on the market? How can the cloud theme be combined with your mobile business strategy?
Why is time pressing?
One thing is certain: no company can refuse to embrace the transition to a digital future. The question is: Are you early enough for your customers and partners before your competitors leave?
Here, a coach can help you in the context of an information event or a workshop, so that you can make a well-founded decision.
Should you already have a mobile app strategy for your company? What do you have to keep in mind?
Here is a small checklist:
- Create a basic overview of the solutions available on the market (web-based, cross-platform, native development, etc.).
- List what to consider for an app: compare/integration/extension of existing web solutions, graphical implementation, integrative approach.
- Determine which technical requirements are to be met and which advantages and disadvantages different solutions offer.
- Get a decision support for the ordering/development of your own app and a possible market entry.
- Perform a rough cost estimate to avoid costly errors or hidden costs.
- Get hints and tips on infrastructure, i. e. connection to your own backend systems, cloud integration etc.
- Set the publishing scenarios, so the app should be available in the official App Store or is it an internal solution?
Use such information events to gain an overview of the above-mentioned points and to acquire suitable knowledge.
Why is it not always enough to have a mobile website?
Many people will think: “We have a great company website that looks great on smartphones and tablets thanks to its” responsive design “.
Isn’t that enough? Of course, it is good to have a professional Internet presence and if it looks just as good on mobile devices, the better.
But there are a number of situations where a native app on a smartphone is definitely the better choice to achieve the desired user experience.
Here are a few examples where it makes sense to be able to directly access the hardware functions and sensors, which can only be done in a cumbersome, possibly slow but often not at all from a website:
- take a photo for an app of a building surveyor
- a simple registration of an enterprise-wide app via QR code scan
- an access to the GPS sensor for a bicycle speedometer app
- a position sensor for determining the roof inclination of a photovoltaic inspection App
Consider whether a native app might be an ideal extension of your website and find out in which form you would like to implement it for your company. Gain enough know-how for important decisions in the mobile environment.