All posts by Kai Wilzer

Log all assemblies used

Sometimes it’s quite helpful to know which assembly is currently used by an application.  Microsoft has an example in their MSDN-Article explaining AssemblyName.Version Property. So this article is more a reminder because it’s quite helpful on application initialization to log the assemblies sometimes. But logging should not be done too early, because assemblies are not […]

Creating Active Directory Contacts using

I need to create an application syncing 2 Active Directories: For each User in Actice Directory A, a Contact-Document should be created in Active Directory B. .net Framework already provides System.DirectoryServices for this purpose. Doing some tests I got the following  System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryServicesCOMException: “The server is unwilling to process the request.” OK, maybe I should wait […]

Session Cookies lost in Internet Explorer IE9 ..

or: How to create P3P (privacy policy) Files for IIS. I have a facebook application which runs within the facebook frame. Everything works fine. I’m using Facebook C# SDK to authenticate the user. Then I store several information, e.g. users name and his facebook id, in session variables. Everything works fine but I betatester complained […]