Automatic creation of App Logos in different sizes

Both iOS and Android expect app logos in different sizes, starting from 29×29. Of course you could manually create all the icons, but it’s more convenient to do it with a script.

Xamarin.Forms Kickstarter is an excellent starting point for lots of different examples, e.g. Layouting, Web Access, Geolocation and lots more. There is also a separate section about App Icons. It contains a script which automatically creates lots of icons in different sizes.


for width in 57 114 120 72 144 76 152 29 58 50 100 40 80
    convert xamarin.png -resize $size\> -background transparent -gravity center -extent $size icon$size.png

So I copied the script from the website, added some additional dimensions (87, 180, 167, 55, 88, 172, 196 and 96)  and saved it to my local drive with filename “” using a text editor like Visual Studio Code.

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Take care on installing required or recommended plugins for WordPress

Lessons learned for today: Always take care which plugins are installed when you add a new theme in WordPress.

Some WordPress themes come with plugins which are recommended or required, e.g. WooCommerce, Revolution Slider etc. WordPress then offers a separate page at Appearance -> Install Plugins. That’s very convenient: Just select all plugins and choose “Install”. Once this is done, again select all plugins and choose “Active”. And you’re done!

Unfortunately this automatic install also includes beta versions! I don’t want to have beta versions on my productive systems but unfortunately I did not take care as I would not expect that beta versions are also considered for this automatic installation. I’m a bit surprised about that. Continue reading… aktualisiert

Die Feiertage habe ich mal genutzt um die neue Webseite ein neues Design zu verpassen. Ich wollte wieder zurück zu dem SportAK Theme von Torbara. Dies war auch das ursprüngliche Theme, aber die Ladezeiten waren zu gering. Deshalb wechselte ich zunächst zu dem Superfine Theme von IT-Rays. Zwischen den Feiertagen habe ich mir dann aber mal die Zeit genommen um das SportAK Theme anzupassen. Continue reading…

Error building XamarinCRM: Bundle identifier ‘com.xamarin.xamarincrm’ does not match any installed provisioning profile.

Xamarin supplies some example apps in their Github account, e.g. Xamarin CRM. I downloaded it and followed their setup instructions, which basically say: Ensure that everything is installed and NuGet packages are restored and then you could start.

Unfortunately this did not work for me because I got this error message:

/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/External/xbuild/Xamarin/iOS/Xamarin.iOS.Common.targets: Error: Bundle identifier ‘com.xamarin.xamarincrm’ does not match any installed provisioning profile. (XamarinCRM.iOS)

With double click on XamarinCRM.iOS the project options open. In “Build” you’ll find “iOS Bundle Signing”. There is a yellow exclamation mark next to “Provisioning Profile” where it says “No matching profiles found”.

So I opened mentioned Info.plist and I removed the existing Bundle identifier with a click on the red x.

Now the project is built fine and it runs as expected.

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Xamarin Error after migrating macbook: No valid iOS code signing keys found in keychain

I was busy the last months with creating a Windows Universal App, and now it’s time to start with the iOS version using Xamarin. To get a bit more familiar with Xamarins iOS environment I’ve downloaded Xamarins sample app called Sport.

At first I got several error messages regarding missing types or namespaces. Fortunately you only need to wait a bit and Xamarin Studio automatically downloads all necessary libraries etc. But 1 error did not disappear:

/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/External/xbuild/Xamarin/iOS/Xamarin.iOS.Common.targets: Error: No valid iOS code signing keys found in keychain. You need to request a codesigning certificate from (Kalabo.iOS)


The proposed solutions were always the same, e.g. in Xamarin forum: Get the Dev certificate from Apple. So I started XCode and at Preferences -> Accounts I clicked the plus symbol in the lower left to add a new apple id. Everything worked fine, I downloaded the iOS development and iOS distribution signing identity. Then I went back to Xamarin, but still the same error.

Another proposal was to delete the entitlements.plist so I did this also even though it’s just an option. So this also did not fix it.

Fortunately the excellent Xamarin Support was able to help: You do not only need the public keys from the user certificate which are stored in the apple store. You also need the private keys which are only stored on the local machine. See also for details. One option would be the recreation of the private keys, and the other would be the export from the old machine.

So the problem does not appear when you install the keys in XCode for the first time, because the private keys are automatically created. But when you move to a new machine this is an important step.

Details for exporting and importing your Developer Profile are supplied by Apple at

And now compiling the sample app works fine.

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