Category Archives: xamarin
Automatic creation of App Logos in different sizes
Both iOS and Android expect app logos in different sizes, starting from 29×29. Of course you could manually create all the icons, but it’s more convenient to do it with a script. Xamarin.Forms Kickstarter is an excellent starting point for lots of different examples, e.g. Layouting, Web Access, Geolocation and lots more. There is also […]
Error: No installed provisioning profiles match the installed iOS signing identities
Sometimes when I download a sample and want to run it in Xamarin Studio using iOS Debugger I got the following error message: Error: No installed provisioning profiles match the installed iOS signing identities
Xamarin Forms Plugins
The following plugins are quite helpful. Currently most of the plugins are used in sessions from Xamarin University or from Xamarin Forms Kickstarter but the list will be updated whenever something helpful comes along my way.
Error building XamarinCRM: Bundle identifier ‘com.xamarin.xamarincrm’ does not match any installed provisioning profile.
Xamarin supplies some example apps in their Github account, e.g. Xamarin CRM. I downloaded it and followed their setup instructions, which basically say: Ensure that everything is installed and NuGet packages are restored and then you could start. Unfortunately this did not work for me because I got this error message: /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/External/xbuild/Xamarin/iOS/Xamarin.iOS.Common.targets: Error: Bundle identifier […]
Xamarin Error after migrating macbook: No valid iOS code signing keys found in keychain
I was busy the last months with creating a Windows Universal App, and now it’s time to start with the iOS version using Xamarin. To get a bit more familiar with Xamarins iOS environment I’ve downloaded Xamarins sample app called Sport. At first I got several error messages regarding missing types or namespaces. Fortunately you […]
Xamarin Documentation Update does not work: DocSet Folder not found
I had the problem also after last update, and now it appears again so I blog the solution in case it happens next time again… After upgrading my Xamarin I get the following message when I start Visual Studio again: Xamarin iOS Documentation Update – Click here to open the Documentation Manager So I clicked […]
Error running iOS in Xamarin: Please select a valid device before running the application
Yesterday I bought my Xamarin License for iOS and so I wanted to compile my first app today. I switched the startup project to iOS and clicked “Start”, but I only got the following error message from Microsoft Visual Studio: Please select a valid device before running the application. I checked the device selector dropdown […]