All posts by Kai Wilzer

Use LinkedIn Hopscotch with hidden elements

My previous posting shows how to use Hopscotch on Masterpages. While creating a new tour I’ve faced one thing: Sometimes the referenced element is currently hidden on the page, e.g. when using the collapse-option in Twitters Bootstrap Framework. Using Hopscotch it’s simple to show the element and then reference the tooltip to it. So […]

Use jQuery Bootgrid with Repeater

In last post “Use jQuery Bootgrid with Gridview” I’ve setup jQuery-Bootgrid to work with an Gridview control. Now I do the same for asp:Repeater control. Additionally I’ve changed the style of a column and also the output of the datetime column so that it’s now working fine if the datatable contains the value […]

Use jQuery Bootgrid with Gridview

I’ve used Twitters Bootstrap template in several projects. I’m surprised that I had no large gridviews in these projects, but just when I needed one t3n has published an article containing information about jQuery Bootgrid.This plugin makes a grid much more convenient, so I set it up in my project and it works brillant. […]