All posts by Kai Wilzer

Automatic creation of App Logos in different sizes

Both iOS and Android expect app logos in different sizes, starting from 29×29. Of course you could manually create all the icons, but it’s more convenient to do it with a script. Xamarin.Forms Kickstarter is an excellent starting point for lots of different examples, e.g. Layouting, Web Access, Geolocation and lots more. There is also […]

Xamarin Forms Plugins

The following plugins are quite helpful. Currently most of the plugins are used in sessions from Xamarin University or from Xamarin Forms Kickstarter but the list will be updated whenever something helpful comes along my way. aktualisiert

Die Feiertage habe ich mal genutzt um die neue Webseite ein neues Design zu verpassen. Ich wollte wieder zurück zu dem SportAK Theme von Torbara. Dies war auch das ursprüngliche Theme, aber die Ladezeiten waren zu gering. Deshalb wechselte ich zunächst zu dem Superfine Theme von IT-Rays. Zwischen den Feiertagen habe ich mir dann […]

Error building XamarinCRM: Bundle identifier ‘com.xamarin.xamarincrm’ does not match any installed provisioning profile.

Xamarin supplies some example apps in their Github account, e.g. Xamarin CRM. I downloaded it and followed their setup instructions, which basically say: Ensure that everything is installed and NuGet packages are restored and then you could start. Unfortunately this did not work for me because I got this error message: /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/External/xbuild/Xamarin/iOS/Xamarin.iOS.Common.targets: Error: Bundle identifier […]