Category Archives: xamarin
Mobile business strategy wanted? How to best implement an app for your company
As a result of increased market pressure and a special spirit of optimism, more and more companies are looking for mobile app strategies for their companies. Due to uncertainty or lack of information, however, many people are reluctant to do so. Mobile Strategy Coach Marco Seraphin explains what is important for a professional company app […]
Browse SQLite databases in Xamarin Forms iOS or Android
If you are using SQLite as local database for your Xamarin Forms application, you might want to have a look at the local database with a database browser. Here’s short information about how to browse through your local SQLite Database for Xamarin Forms.
How to read all contacts from local Addressbook using Xamarin Forms
Sometimes it’s a benefit for the user if you could read his contacts and show them in a list so the user could select one or more of them. To read all contacts from a local Addressbook on iOS or Android using Xamarin Forms, James Montemagno has created a Contacts Plugin some time ago. Be […]
error APT0000: 1: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name: attr ‘android:keyboardNavigationCluster’.
After upgrading my Xamarin Forms Android SDK from 25 to 26 (Android 8.0 Oreo) I got the following error message: error APT0000: 1: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name: attr ‘android:keyboardNavigationCluster’.
Using iOS App ID .mobileprovision in Xamarin Forms iOS Project
If you are working on an iOS project in Xamarin Forms you will also need to register your app in Apples developer section to get a provisioning profile. This has to be done in the “Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles” part, not in iTunes Connect.
Native Facebook Login for Xamarin Forms Android projects
Previously I’ve shown how to add native Facebook Login in Xamarin Forms iOS App, so now it’s time to do the same also for the Android project in your Xamarin Forms Application. James Montemagno posted article “Native Android Facebook Authentication with Azure App Service” just 3 weeks ago but as he uses Azure App Services […]
How to get facebook friendlist in Xamarin Forms iOS using native facebook login
In previous post I’ve shown how to login to Facebook using Facebooks native SDK using client side authentication. So now we know the user, what else can we get? Here is a guide how to get the friendlist of the logged-in user. Why the friendlist? Because next to public profile and email, friendlist is one […]
Native Facebook Login in Xamarin Forms iOS App
Many apps need some kind of user authentication. Instead of having users to register on your site, it’s more convenient to use existing Logins. Many social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Google offer to use their login data to authenticate users in your application. You have 2 different options of authentication: Server side or client […]