Category Archives: xamarin

Setup server part for Xamarin Forms Push Notifications

For sending push notifications to Xamarin Forms app we need to configure Azure and Firebase, update the existing Xamarin Forms App, and we need to have a server part because the initiator of the push message (e.g. another smartphone or a server, wherever the action appeared) will not send directly to Azure. Instead, the message […]

Xamarin Tips

While developing Xamarin Forms application and watching trainings from Xamarin University, some tips and best practices are mentioned so I write them down here as a reminder for myself (and maybe as a starting point for you).

Using HockeyApp with Xamarin Forms

HockeyApp is quite popular, mainly for collection crash reports, but also helpful for distribution, user feedback etc. To add it into your Xamarin Forms Application, I found video Integrating HockeyApp to Xamarin Forms by Houssem Dellai very helpful. Also How to integrate HockeyApp with Xamarin on HockeyApp Support is helpful but it’s not especially about […]